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Luke 6:31

Loving our Neighbors During an Election

“I want us to have a conversation about the upcoming election.” That’s what I told the vestry at our September meeting about a week and a half ago. As soon…

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Church in the Digital World

Church in the Digital World: What does this mean for St. Philip’s?

What does it mean to be the church in this new digital world? This is a question many are asking. I recently attended a webinar entitled  “Welcoming and Belonging in…

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Arnoldo Is Ordained a Deacon

What is a Deacon?

Deacons are members of the ordained Christian ministry, along with priests and bishops. The word deacon is a derivative of the Greek word diákonos, which means servant, minister, or messenger. Hence, in…

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We’ve Adopted two Pots!

As you may know Main Street Uvalde is asking for help in keeping our downtown area attractive and inviting. Their new project "Adopt a Pot" is asking businesses, families, or individuals…

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White Fragility

Class on Racism Starting Soon!

Fr. Mike's reading and discussion group about racism is set to begin soon. This class will begin with Robin Diangelo’s White Fragility.  Please purchase your copy online. The group will meet…

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Staycation Bible School

It's time for Vacation Bible School - a highlight for many children during the long summer months. It's a time to learn about God's love in fun and exciting ways with…

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Arnoldo Romero

My Apostleship Journey

By: The Rev. Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA In retrospect, my journey to apostleship began during childhood. Not only did I play priest as a child, but as I got older I…

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Read The Rev. Dr. Michael K. Marsh’s Sermons


RSS Interrupting the Silence

  • “The Antidote To Exhaustion” – A Sermon On Mark 6:30-34, 53-56
    “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while,” Jesus says in today’s gospel (Mark 6:30-34, 53-56). That sounds pretty good to me, how about you? What does that mean for you today? What do you need to let go of or get away from in order to rest? Where and […]
  • Losing Our Head – A Sermon On Mark 6:14-29
    He lost his head. It happens.  It happened in Jesus’ time and it’s happening in our time. It makes me wonder if we all come to moments in our lives when we lose our head. Maybe the question isn’t whether we will lose our head but what are we willing to lose our head for.  […]
  • What If You Already Are Enough? – A Sermon On Mark 6:1-13
    In the summer of 2000 Cyndy and I moved from Corpus Christi, Texas, to Sewanee, Tennessee, for me to attend seminary. A few months before we left Cyndy asked the wife of our priest about being a clergy spouse. “What’s it like being married to the priest?” she asked. Speaking about her husband, she said, […]
  • Touching The Cloak – A Sermon On Mark 5:21-43
    A few days ago someone told me that several years ago he blocked a friend of his from contacting him. They had some very different opinions about life and the world and their relationship had become difficult. He said, “I regret that I did that. I don’t know why but I’ve recently started thinking about […]
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