A welcoming community for everyone seeking a deeper connection with God, self, and others
Join us for worship:
8:00 a.m.
Holy Eucharist Rite I
Due to repair work being done in the chapel,
the 8:00 a.m. service is temporarily being held in the church.
10:30 a.m.
Holy Eucharist Rite II
(In person and on Facebook Livestream)
Tuesdays & Thursdays
School Chapel
8:00 a.m.
About St. Philip’s
St. Philip’s provides a welcoming inclusive community for anyone seeking a deeper connection with God, self, and others. Our long history in Uvalde, dating back to 1881, has helped shape and form us to be the church that we are today; a place of beauty, spiritual depth and learning, love and friendship, as well as a church that helps lead and influence the community of Uvalde. St. Philip’s has become known as “the church that helps others.”
We will celebrate Candlemas -The Feast of the Presentation of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple on Sunday, February 2, at both the 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services.
The 10:30 a.m. service will begin in Grace Hall with the blessing of the candles. There will be a procession to the church where we will celebrate the Holy Eucharist.
Blessed candles will be given out after the service.
“God enters the temple not as a powerful ruler but as a little child in his Mother’s arms. The King of Glory comes not with a show of human force and power, not with great fanfare and noise, not causing fright and destruction. He comes into the temple as he came into the world, as an infant in silence, in poverty, and in the company of the poor and the wise.” – Pope John Paul II