We’ve Adopted two Pots!
As you may know Main Street Uvalde is asking for help in keeping our downtown area attractive and inviting. Their new project “Adopt a Pot” is asking businesses, families, or individuals to help care for the 72 flower pots in the downtown area. Two pots are located on the St. Philip’s campus and we have agreed to take over the care of these two pots.
Our responsibilities include purchasing and planting (whatever type of plants we would like), general care, maintenance, and regular watering. A “tip sheet” will be provided that includes recommended plants, general care/maintenance, and watering information.
Your generous help with this project will help make downtown Uvalde a more beautiful place to live, work, eat, play, and pray!
Contact the church office by email or phone (830)-278-5223 to sign up to help with the project. The more people we have less work it will be for any one person.