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The Feast of the Epiphany

We will celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, at 6:00 p.m., via Facebook Live. As you know, the Feast of the Epiphany commemorates the magi visiting…

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Hope, Courage, and Confidence – A New Book Study

“What does it mean to live a life in the Spirit of Jesus Christ?” That’s the question Henri Nouwen asks and to which he responds with his book, Reaching Out…

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DWTX Camps and Conferences

It’a time for a Retreat! DWTX’s Upcoming Camp Events 

Nestled amidst beauty, founded on fun, rooted in faith.  It's that time of year - time to sign up for some much needed time away at one of the three…

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Blessed Beyond My Expectations

By The Reverend Arnoldo L. Romero MLA As some of you may be aware, God willing, I will be ordained to the priesthood in less than six weeks. Mike and our…

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Update: Crossroads Academy Self-Care Rewards

As you know St. Philip's has agreed to provide the rewards for the Crossroad's Self-Care challenge for the 2020-2021 school year. We have decided to donate 20 gift cards each month starting…

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Where We Stand With Further Resuming Congregational Life?

At its most recent meeting the vestry discussed resuming childcare in the nursery and in-person Sunday School classes for children and adults. The consensus is that we want to do…

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New Bible Study

Read the Bible. Make Art. Drink Coffee. Live!

OK, maybe you don’t like coffee, but you can substitute it with water, tea, milk, juice, a soft drink, or a smoothie!  The point is that since God created us…

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Read The Rev. Dr. Michael K. Marsh’s Sermons


RSS Interrupting the Silence

  • “The Antidote To Exhaustion” – A Sermon On Mark 6:30-34, 53-56
    “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while,” Jesus says in today’s gospel (Mark 6:30-34, 53-56). That sounds pretty good to me, how about you? What does that mean for you today? What do you need to let go of or get away from in order to rest? Where and […]
  • Losing Our Head – A Sermon On Mark 6:14-29
    He lost his head. It happens.  It happened in Jesus’ time and it’s happening in our time. It makes me wonder if we all come to moments in our lives when we lose our head. Maybe the question isn’t whether we will lose our head but what are we willing to lose our head for.  […]
  • What If You Already Are Enough? – A Sermon On Mark 6:1-13
    In the summer of 2000 Cyndy and I moved from Corpus Christi, Texas, to Sewanee, Tennessee, for me to attend seminary. A few months before we left Cyndy asked the wife of our priest about being a clergy spouse. “What’s it like being married to the priest?” she asked. Speaking about her husband, she said, […]
  • Touching The Cloak – A Sermon On Mark 5:21-43
    A few days ago someone told me that several years ago he blocked a friend of his from contacting him. They had some very different opinions about life and the world and their relationship had become difficult. He said, “I regret that I did that. I don’t know why but I’ve recently started thinking about […]
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