Where We Stand With Further Resuming Congregational Life?
At its most recent meeting the vestry discussed resuming childcare in the nursery and in-person Sunday School classes for children and adults. The consensus is that we want to do…
Read the Bible. Make Art. Drink Coffee. Live!
OK, maybe you don’t like coffee, but you can substitute it with water, tea, milk, juice, a soft drink, or a smoothie! The point is that since God created us…
Crossroads Academy Outreach Continues
I am happy to say that we are partnering with Crossroads Academy again this year. It has just taken us a little time to get started as the year began so…
Loving our Neighbors During an Election
“I want us to have a conversation about the upcoming election.” That’s what I told the vestry at our September meeting about a week and a half ago. As soon…
A Conversation I Didn’t Think We Could Have
Let me tell you about an amazing conversation the Vestry had. It was important and meaningful to me personally and, I think, to the Vestry as a whole. If I…
Church in the Digital World: What does this mean for St. Philip’s?
What does it mean to be the church in this new digital world? This is a question many are asking. I recently attended a webinar entitled “Welcoming and Belonging in…
Updated Guidelines for Congregational Life
Late last week Bishop Reed updated the COVID-19 guidelines for a Modified Return to Congregational Life. Churches that have resumed in-person worship are still required to adhere to the previous…
What is a Deacon?
Deacons are members of the ordained Christian ministry, along with priests and bishops. The word deacon is a derivative of the Greek word diákonos, which means servant, minister, or messenger. Hence, in…
We’ve Adopted two Pots!
As you may know Main Street Uvalde is asking for help in keeping our downtown area attractive and inviting. Their new project "Adopt a Pot" is asking businesses, families, or individuals…
Class on Racism Starting Soon!
Fr. Mike's reading and discussion group about racism is set to begin soon. This class will begin with Robin Diangelo’s White Fragility. Please purchase your copy online. The group will meet…