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Where We Stand With Further Resuming Congregational Life?

Where We Stand With Further Resuming Congregational Life?

At its most recent meeting the vestry discussed resuming childcare in the nursery and in-person Sunday School classes for children and adults. The consensus is that we want to do this but we want to do so in a way that is practical and safe. We will continue with the current precautions of social distancing and wearing masks during Sunday worship. We will also need to develop guidelines for the nursery and Sunday School classes, though this will mostly be an adaption of current guidelines.

A short survey was e-mailed seeking information that will help the vestry make the best decisions possible. If you have not already responded to the survey please do so as soon as you as can. Please let Julie know if you did not receive the survey e-mail.

The following is a summary of survey responses received to date:

  •  We’ve received 14 responses;
  •  Three families said their children would participate in the nursery and/or children’s Sunday School. Two said they would assist with Sunday School.
    None are able to help with the nursery.
  •  Ten would attend adult Sunday School in person. Five said they would participate online.

So, what’s next?

  • We are scheduling a meeting with parents to discuss the nursery and children’s Sunday School;
  • The vestry is working on how best to staff the nursery;
  • We need volunteers to help with children’s Sunday School; and
  • Blaine is working on a way to have adult Sunday School simultaneously in-person and online.

I want to address a couple of questions we received in response to the survey.

  • Can we have bulletins on Sunday? Yes. We will print bulletins and have them on each pew ahead of time.
  • Is there only one adult Sunday School option? I am continuing a book study each Sunday at 9:00 a.m. On Wednesday, October 28, 9:00-10:00 a..m. Deacon Arnoldo will begin a six week study of the upcoming Sunday’s gospel. The class will be on Zoom. Please see the article in this e-news for more information. Please let me know if you are interested in beginning and leading another adult class.

Thank you for your continued support and patience. Please feel free to contact a member of the vestry or me if your have questions or concerns.

God’s peace be with you,


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