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Thankfulness in 2020

What could we possibly be thankful for in 2020?” That’s the question Steve Hartman of the CBS Evening News recently asked his kids in a video. I hope you will take a few minutes to watch that video. It’s a…

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Arnoldo Is Ordained A Deacon

What is a Deacon?

Deacons are members of the ordained Christian ministry, along with priests and bishops. The word deacon is a derivative of the Greek word diákonos, which means servant, minister, or messenger. Hence, in the Episcopal Church a deacon exercises a special ministry of…

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We’ve Adopted two Pots!

As you may know Main Street Uvalde is asking for help in keeping our downtown area attractive and inviting. Their new project "Adopt a Pot" is asking businesses, families, or individuals to help care for the 72 flower pots in the downtown…

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