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Offering our Tears for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

By geography they are Israelis and Gazans. By ethnicity they are Jews and Arabs. By religion they are Jewish and Muslim. By history they are enemies. At least, that’s what…

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How will you serve at St. Philip’s?

Each Sunday we need approximately fifteen people to help serve at our two services. This does not include those in the choir, the altar guild, or the vestry person of…

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NEW – St. Philip’s Legacy Class

The "St. Philip's Legacies" invite you to join them as they begin a new book. The class began on September 13th but you are still welcome to join! The class…

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NEW Bible Study for Women

This fall we will be studying 1&2 Kings and how to overcome our struggles to trust God. The book is titled Trustworthy by Lysa Terkeurst and is a short 6 week…

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Reflection on the Rite of Elderhood

As I reflected on last Sunday’s service with our Bishop, it seemed to me to be one of stating our personal vows to live into the stage of life’s journey…

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Prayers and More for Maui!

Reaching out in faith!  I know we are all sending our love and prayers for Maui, Hawaii, and that is great. But let's do more to help them rebuild and…

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It’s time to “Re-Connect with IWC at St. Philip’s

Invite (Evangelism), Welcome (Hospitality), Connect (Belonging) (IWC) You may remember that several of us have attended Invite Welcome Connect events over the years. We have learned from the collective experience…

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Who are the St. Philip’s Legacies?

A couple of years ago, a few seniors got together to form a reading group, and the initial direction of the group was to study books on aging. Over the…

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Baptism, Confirmation, Reception & Renewal of Baptismal Vows

Are you curious about or interested in baptism, confirmation, reception, or renewal of baptismal vows? Do you want to know more? Start with the baptismal liturgy in the Book of…

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Read The Rev. Dr. Michael K. Marsh’s Sermons


RSS Interrupting the Silence

  • Desperate Measures – A Sermon On Mark 9:38-50
    The unquenchable fire of hell, plucked out eyeballs, amputated limbs, and forced drownings – welcome to the holy gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to St. Mark (Mark 9:38-50). What a friend we have in Jesus.  A mentor of mine says that sometimes the good news is bad news before it becomes good news. […]
  • GOATs, Cleaning Ladies, And Greatness – A Sermon On Mark 9:30-37
    Are you familiar with the acronym GOAT? G-O-A-T. It means Greatest of All Time.  Many trace its origin to the early 1960s and Muhammad Ali saying, “I am the greatest!” and his wife in 1992 creating a business called Greatest of All Time, Inc. (GOAT, Inc.) (source) In the early 2000s rapper LL Cool J […]
  • “That’s Just How I Am” – A Sermon On Mark 7:24-37
    A few weeks ago I was listening to a man who wants to make some changes in and deepen his life. He described some patterns, beliefs, and behaviors in his life that in many ways have served him well but not so much anymore. Now they just seem to get in the way of the […]
  • Doers of the Word, A Remedy For Tired Ears – A Sermon On James 1:17-27
    “My ears are tired.” That’s what our older son, Brandon, said one day. “My ears are tired.”  I don’t remember what had happened or if it was my words or someone else’s that had exhausted his ears, but I know exactly what he was talking about. Maybe you do too. Have you ever had tired […]
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