Are you a member of St. Philip’s?
If not – are you ready to be?
All through our lives we come to times of transition and change. More often than not these days are marked with some kind of ritual or celebration. Think about, for example, getting a driver’s license, birthdays, anniversaries, graduations. They are important days but the impact and significance of those days are rarely limited to that one day. It is a point in time when we recognize and name the change and then live into that change. And so it is in the Church with baptism, confirmation, reception, and reaffirmation of our baptismal vows.
It’s easy to think of them as only aspects of or means to membership in the Church but they actually reveal God’s work in our lives, our response to that work, and a commitment to being part of something larger than and beyond ourselves. That’s why each one is associated with particular prayers and liturgical actions.
On September 17, 2023, our new Bishop Coadjutor David G. Read will make his first visit to St. Philip’s. He will celebrate the Holy Eucharist, baptize, confirm, receive, and reaffirm. There is something for everyone. I wonder how you might participate that day.
Are you a member of St. Philip’s? If not, are you ready to be? Would you like to consider that?
Are you baptized? Are your children? Maybe now is the time. Have you been confirmed? Have your children? If not, how about September 17th? Maybe you were baptized or confirmed in another tradition and you’re ready to be received into the Episcopal Church. Maybe you’ve been a long time Episcopalian, why not renew the baptismal vows that have carried you to this moment? We all need times of renewal.
Imagine if, when Bishop Read invites those who want to be baptized, confirmed, received, or renew their baptismal vows to come forward, fifty or sixty of us got up and came forward. Yeah, we might be a little late getting to lunch but what a day that would be not just for St. Philip’s but for Uvalde.
Let’s not forget that we are a public face of Christ in Uvalde. We make a difference. We pray that every Sunday. What better time to celebrate, give thanks for, and be strengthened to continue that work than when Bishop Read is here?
You can learn more about baptism, confirmation, reception, and renewal of baptismal vows in the article below. Please let me know if you are interested in or have questions about the Bishop’s visit, baptism, confirmation, reception, or renewal of baptismal vows. We will need to schedule some time for preparation.
I continue to be grateful for and inspired by your faith and support.
God’s peace be with you.
Fr. Mike+