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The Prayer Of Our People -Our Parish Prayer

The Prayer of Our People -Our Parish Prayer

A few years ago we wrote a parish prayer to express who we are and how we want to live as the people of St. Philip’s.

O Lord our God, you have called us, the people of St. Philip’s, to be a public face of Christ. Open our hearts and minds to the uniqueness and holiness of each person we meet. May our lives and works lead others into the transformative love of Christ. Inspire us with compassion and imagination to care for those in need. Let the beauty of holiness shine in our lives, our worship, and this sacred space. All this we ask in Jesus’ name, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

This prayer is a response to God’s calling us as a parish and as individuals. Though the words are offered to God, they are to be embodied, expressed, lived, and seen in each of our lives. That is our hope and prayer.

See the faces and hear the voices of the Word becoming flesh. And what beautiful flesh it is. Enjoy our St. Philip’s Parish Prayer.


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