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New Zoom Security Measures – What Does This Mean For St. Philip’s?

New Zoom Security Measures – What does this mean for St. Philip’s?

You probably won’t be surprised to learn that Zoom has experienced a sudden and unexpected increase in the number of Zoom users. We are all Zooming these days – to stay in touch with family and friends, to do our work, and to gather as the Church. This has also resulted in an increase of Zoombombers, uninvited guests who crash a meeting with inappropriate and offensive language, images, and behavior. 

As a result Zoom has implemented default security settings on our account: password protection and a waiting room. Here’s how it will work (I think!):

  1. You will still click on the Zoom link but you will need a password.
    • If you receive an e-mail invitation for a specific meeting the link and password will be in the e-mail;
    • For more general gatherings – Sunday School, coffee hour, compline or other church services – we will post the invitation, with the link and password, in the parishioners’ portal on the St. Philip’s website. 
      • Log in to the portal and you can access the Zoom information. 
      • If you are not a parishioner or member, or are unable to access the portal, and want to Zoom with St. Philip’s please contact Cyndy or Julie.
  1. After you log in to Zoom you will be placed in a waiting room. The meeting host will admit each authorized guest and then begin the meeting.  

Yes, it’s a bit more of a hassle but that’s how staying safe seems to be these days. We’ll adjust, we’ll figure it out, and all shall be well.

Peace be with you.


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