Building the Kingdom of God with the Children’s Bereavement Center of South Texas
What can we do to help? It’s a question I hear a lot these days and one I’ve often asked myself. St. Philip’s along so many other individuals and organizations has been providing short-term financial assistance and pastoral care for those affected by the Robb School shooting. However, healing and recovery are a process, not an event, and that’s left me wondering what St. Philip’s can do to support healing and recovery in Uvalde on a long-term basis. It’s not something we can do alone. We need good companions and guides for this journey.
One such companion and guide is the Children’s Bereavement Center of South Texas (CBCST). I am so happy to announce that St. Philip’s will be supporting the work of the CBCST on a long-term basis.
As you may know, St. Philip’s has already committed to provide the classroom across from the nursery to the Children’s Bereavement Center for use as a counseling room. The room has been updated a bit and furnished to provide a warm and welcoming space for healing and recovery. But there’s more.
St. Philip’s will also be providing the building next to the labyrinth to the CBCST. They will remodel and occupy that building as their counseling offices in Uvalde for at least the next five years. Take a look at the renderings of what this new space will look like. It’s a beautiful symbol of transformation, healing, and hope.
Professional grief counselors will offer services and support to children ages 3 through 23 and their families, and also work with area schools.
This is CBCST’s 25th year. During the past decade they created a Center in the Rio Grande Valley and also in Floresville after the Sutherland Springs shooting. Their newest center, here in Uvalde, is expected to be completed in mid-spring 2023.
Marian Sokol, Executive Director of the CBCST, says, “Our belief is that no child in South Texas should have to walk the painful journey of grief alone.” Her words are an echo of what Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” (Mathew 19:14)
I am grateful for CBCST’s work in and commitment to Uvalde and that St. Philip’s can be a part of supporting that. Once again the kingdom of God has drawn near.
I will keep you updated as we move forward with this partnership. Please let me know if you have questions.
Peace be with you,