A Talk About Racism: New Reading and Discussion Group
I’m inviting you to join me for a difficult conversation – a conversation most of us have not had, and do not want to have. It’s about racism. Racism has been a part of my preaching the last several weeks (I Can’t Breathe, Jesus’ Line in the Sand, and Prophetic Tracks). I don’t know if you were uncomfortable hearing or reading those sermons, but I know I was uncomfortable preaching them.
Some of my discomfort was about what you would think and how you would respond. Most of it though was about my place in racism and the ways it has shaped and influenced my life. Racism is the water we all swim in regardless of our color. And for some it’s the water they drown in. No one, however, escapes its effects.
What is racism? How has it shaped our lives? In what ways does it influence how we live and move through the world today? In what ways does the gospel call and guide us to live an antiracist life?
I am not an expert in the area of racism and I have more questions than answers. I know this, however; racism is not the way of Jesus. I want to better understand my own experience of racism and how I might live differently.
Over the years I’ve read several books about racism. In the past weeks I have ordered more books and begun reading, learning, reflecting, and wondering. And I’d like you to join me in this work.
I am starting a group study about racism. It will be structured around books, articles, and videos. Those will be our starting point. The real work will happen in our conversations and self-reflection. It won’t be easy work but deep, transformative, holy work never is.
We’ll meet by Zoom twice a month for an hour and a half. We’ll also have a private online platform in which additional materials will be available, and questions and comments may be posted.
That’s my invitation to you. I hope you will join me. We’ll begin with Robin Diangelo’s White Fragility. Since we are trying to maintain social distance and keep contact to a minimum please purchase your copy online.
If you would like to join the group please click on the button below and provide some additional information. This will help find me finalize plans for beginning the group. We will begin the week of July 21.
Everyone is welcome and all are invited. Please let me know if you have questions.
God’s peace be with you,