Annual Parish Meeting 2024 – Snow Much Fun!
We gathered in a warm cozy Briscoe Hall on Sunday amidst the snowflake-covered tables for our annual parish meeting! The kids even enjoyed snowball play outside with the 200 snowballs that were the inspiration for this year’s decorations!
We shared a delicious potluck meal and spent some time connecting with fellow parishioners. There was a short business meeting where Treasurer Sharon Carson presented the 2024 budget which was passed after a brief discussion. Joe Parker, Nano Tafolla, and Beth Huddleston were elected to the St. Philip’s Vestry for a three-year term. We said goodbye to the retiring vestry members, Laura Downing, Kristin Tyk, and Mickey Gerdes, and thanked them for their time on the vestry. It was announced that Randy Harris will be the new Senior Warden in 2024. Becky Capt announced to the church that her father is continuing his ministry of providing The One Year Study Bible to anyone who wants one. The Bibles can be picked up in the church office.
If you missed the annual meeting – please take a few minutes and catch up with the videos, reports, and photos below.
- Sharon Carson presented the 2024 budget.
- Fr. Mike gave us his annual report. Watch Here
- Brenda Faulkner updated us on the growth and the good work happening at The Children’s Bereavement Center. Watch Here
- Closing remarks from retiring Sr. Warden Lory Zimmerman.
- New Sr. Warden Randy Harris was unable to be at the meeting but sent a letter to the congregation that was read by Lory Zimmerman. Read his letter here.
- Photos
- Please update your church records by clicking this link. It should only take a few minutes and we would appreciate your help in getting our church records current. Please do so by February 1st. Thank you!
Once again, there was a wide variety of delicious food to choose from. The potlucks at St. Philip’s are always amazing and never fail to impress! Thank you to everyone who attended and for the food that you provided. We missed those of you who were unable to attend.
by following the links provided above.