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Walk In Love This Christmas

Walk in Love this Christmas

Have you thought about how you will Walk in Love this Christmas? 

Most children dream of finding special gifts under the tree on Christmas morning. But for many life is uncertain and they can’t be sure that the holidays are coming. But with your help, we can help ensure that every child, young and old, can be certain that their holiday dreams will come true. And for some just having the necessary items for survival will brighten their day.

This year you have three different opportunities to help share the love and joy this Christmas.

  1. Bluebonnet Children’s Advocacy Center/Tri-County CASA
    Once again we are collecting $25 Wal-Mart gift cards for Children in Foster Care. Please drop your cards off in the church office.
  2. UCISD High School Students – Often Christmas drives concentrate on the younger children and the older kids are often forgotten. A UCISD counselor is hoping to change things this year and bring some joy to the older kids this Christmas. We are collecting $50 Wal-Mart gift cards for older students who may not receive gifts this year. These cards can be dropped off in the church office as well.
  3. Plaza De Plaz – This year we are assisting the Diocese of West Texas in supporting the efforts of Plaza de Plaz which provides services for families and individuals seeking asylum. They are hoping to fill stockings with essential items needed for all age groups to help them with the transition. You can find a list of items requested here. 
The deadline for returning the cards and stocking items is
Monday, December 16th.
 Let’s do our part in making sure that
holiday dream comes true. 
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