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Reading And Interpreting The Bible –  A New Adult Formation Class

Reading and Interpreting the Bible –  A New Adult Formation Class

How we read scripture is as important as that we read scripture. The adult Sunday School Class is now learning the “how of reading scripture.”

Though we will be focusing on and discussing the how of reading scripture, this is not a how to class. That will be your work. There is no one right way to read scripture. My hope, however, is that you will discover for yourself a deeper, faithful, and life-giving way of reading scripture, and allowing scripture to read your life.

Each Sunday for the next several weeks we’ll look at a different aspect of reading and interpreting the Bible. We’ll cover some basics and them move to a deeper place where scripture and our lives intersect. We won’t use a particular “text book” to read and discuss. I will, however, provide copies of articles or excerpts from books to give some background and a starting point for our discussions and questions.

This will be a hybrid class, in-person (Grace Hall) and on Zoom. The Zoom information is as follows:

A Google Classroom has been set up for this class.  I hope you will join the Google Classroom as that is where I will post the reading materials and other resources  that will be covered each week. You will also be able to post your thoughts, insights, and questions.  You will need a Google account. Here’s the information for joining:

We’ll have fun with this. We’ll learn from each other. We’ll listen deeply and imaginatively. We’ll ask some questions we can’t answer. And, I trust, somehow God will make the Word become flesh in us. I am looking forward to our time together.

God’s peace be with you,


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