Cookies, Cookies and More Cookies!
St. Philip’s was approached following the tragedy about assisting with the multitude of cookies that would be coming to Uvalde. The Wedding Cookie Table Community of about 10,000 members wanted to do something to comfort the people in Uvalde. Cookies were baked all over the US and mailed to San Antonio and then transported to Uvalde where a community cookie table was set up at Sacred Heart Church. Since many of the cookies required refrigeration, St. Philip’s served as a place to keep the more delicate cookies cool until the day of the event.
Thank you Beth Huddleston for assisting the cookie people here at St. Philip’s and at Sacred Heart Church during the event. Beth said over 650 people were served BBQ and cookies on Sunday. They then had an opportunity to take home cookies, stuffed animals and more. Beth was moved by participating in this event she said, “It was heartwarming seeing people visit, smile, and enjoy each other’s company, especially the children.”
The Wedding Cookie Table is a long standing tradition based out of Pittsburgh, PA, and has about 10,000 members. They are known to show up with cookies for all life events, both happy and sad. We are grateful for the teamwork that was put in to offer this love and support for our community.