Children’s Sunday School Begins Sunday 9/15/24
Thank you to Laura Downing and Delia Light for your help with children’s Sunday school this month! We still need volunteers to fill slots throughout the year! Sign up here!
Did you know that we have approximately 50 children in our church between the ages of 0 – 18? Some may recall years ago at a parish meeting when Estelle DuBose publicly asked everyone to “Please pray for babies.” And our prayers were answered and they keep coming. Thanks be to God!
But what a shame it would be if we had all these precious children, but we are unable to have Christian Education classes for them on Sunday mornings. It’s always difficult to recruit volunteers to help with children’s education. We are all busy and it’s not easy to commit to teaching every Sunday. However, with multiple volunteers it’s more manageable for many.
The curriculum is provided and not difficult to follow, or you can create your own lessons if you prefer. The teaching commitments can be broken down into weeks, or months, or you can sign up for the year! What if you team up with a friend and take a month or two together?
Please consider the baptismal promise we make to our children at each baptism we have here at St. Philip’s. After the candidates for baptism have been presented the celebrant addresses the congregation, saying:
Will you who witness these vows do all in your power to support these persons in their life in Christ? And I can’t remember a baptism where the response was anything but a resounding loud, “WE WILL!”
Please check your schedule and find some time where you can assist with seeing that these children are supported in their life in Christ. Sign up sheets will be available at church on Sunday or sign up here!
You will end up being blessed, as will the children.
Thank you!
Childen’s Sunday School resumes this Sunday.
Hope to see you all on Sunday, September 15th at 9:15 a.m.!