A Great Day of Celebration and Thanksgiving
One of my favorite Sundays every year is when the Bishop visits St. Philip’s. It’s always good to catch up with the Bishop and their spouse. It’s feels good sharing what we are doing at St. Philip’s, and learning about what’s going on at the diocesan level. And it’s always nice that Mike doesn’t have to preach on Sunday and we actually go out on a Saturday night! But this past Bishop’s Sunday was a really special one for many reasons: the combination of infant, children, and adult baptisms; the confirmations of people who visited St. Philip’s and felt at home and decided to join; and watching some of my best friends participate in a special Rite of Passage from Senior Adulthood to Elderhood and acknowledge that elderhood is a stage in life not an age; and gathering with friends for a meal together. It was a wonderful day and my heart is full!
Please welcome our newest members of St. Philip’s. Griffin Williams, Rhett Sieckenius, Lily Williams, Jack Williams, and Justin Urrabazo were received into the household of God through the waters of baptism; and Liz and Vic Mikulec, and George and Chris Stichler renewed their commitment to Christ through confirmation. Barbara Edwards, Janice Griffin, George and Brenda Harrison, Cornelia Muzquez, George and Chris Stickler, Willie Edwards, Sharon Wilson, Ken and Pat Carver, and Beverly Heyen participated in the first Rite of Passage from Senior Adulthood to Elderhood.
There are so many working parts in coordinating the Sunday worship services when the Bishop is here and it couldn’t be done by the church staff alone.
Blaine Bennett and the entire choir put in hours of work so that the musical element of our service would be the best that it could be . . . and it was! The altar guild is always busy preparing for Sunday services, but especially when the Bishop is present and when there are confirmations, and baptisms. Becky Capt blesses the children and babies being baptized by making beautiful Chrismon’s. This year she had four to complete. Nancy Bennett coordinated the wonderful lunch for the parish family. She and her large group of volunteers spent days planning, cooking, setting up, decorating, and cleaning-up after the lunch. And of course all those who serve at church on Sunday morning.
Thanks to everyone who made this day so special. — Cyndy